Website For Small Business – Problem
Let me guess, you are either looking for a designer to help you set up your first website for your small business or you hired a web designer in the past and he disappeared and you have never been able to contact him to help you with your update your website, so you are forced to find a new web designer and you hope he doesn’t do the same thing.
It happens all the time, small businesses hire web designers and then they (web designer) don’t stick around to support the website and the web maintenance tasks leaving it up to you (the business owner) to try and figure out how to update your website. Isn’t that why you hired a web designer? Didn’t you hire him because you didn’t want to learn how to program or because you are so busy trying to run your business you don’t have time to update your website. I know there are a lot of DIY programs out there but what about the business owners that don’t want to do it themselves, would if you want a professionally designed and supported website by web professionals so you can get back to doing what you do best – running your business.
Website For Small Business – Solution
If you are sick and tired of your web designer disappearing, not answering emails or you simply need a website and would love a company to support and maintain your website we have a great solution for you. We simply charge $179/mo to build maintain and support a professional looking website for your small business. We are not interested in charging you $7,000 to build your website and then leave you hanging to figure out how to manage your site. If you want to add new picture of your staff just send them our way and we will update your website for you. We want to make buying websites easy and we want to help our customers look good online. If you are interested in building a website for your small business we would love to talk to you!
We don’t just build websites for anyone, you have to be the right fit:
• You don’t have any technical experience
• You trust us with design options ( that is why you hired us, right?)
• You don’t want to build a website by yourself
• You want monthly support for your website
• You value our experience
• You don’t want to maintain your website
• You are pleasant to work with
If you are a small business and you feel like you are a good fit with our services then let’s talk. You can contact us here.